Sunday, February 8, 2009

single education model?

There is no such thing as one model fits all. Then why do we have a education system which requires ones go through 12 years of same school curriculum? I wonder.

In India, we have 55 % illiterate people. Though I feel it must be much higher. Most people don't go for it because they don't see any obvious advantage of it. In 12 years of school, we learn just to0 many things like light's angle of reflection to finding ions present in a solution to solving complex differential equations etc.
But most people need all these in real life? What does a hotel manager guy need to know about it? A shopkeeper? A truck driver or his manager? a carpenter?

To add to it, we don't learn essential skills like time management, dealing with fear, depression, solving family problems, fraud/scams, basic laws, dealing with death of loved ones, proper nutrition and basic exercise skills etc etc. We don't learn how to aloof ourselves from possible scams like weight lose pills, fairness cream (yes, they don't work), homeopathy etc.

I believe there should be an option of students to get basic education (including literacy) and go for learning job skills as needed.

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