Wednesday, February 18, 2009

how religion affects us?

most books, videos i have seen discuss about the violence and hatred religion creates. I agree it is an important point. But i also think there are also many problems with belief in religion. it affects lots of other areas also.

donation to charity-most people are willing to donate a fraction of what they earn. but in most cases it goes to temples, events by religious groups etc and not to charity like cry etc

government revenues- priests in most countries don't pay tax. instead they earn a fat salary without work

time wastage - most people are made to believe by tourism, hotel industry that they need to visit such and such temple for god blessing. they take holidays from jobs. some even goto to temple daily for better blessing.

it leads to promotion of other scams like astrology, rings, yoga as medical solution etc.

health problem, possibly death like upwas in jainism or vegetarianism

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